ghost hug club: the story

Hi! My name is Sherine and ghost hug club is my passion project. I became obsessed with skincare when I was in medical school and I read everything I could about dermatology. I dreamed of creating clean, safe and nourishing skincare that would make people happy. That was the birth of ghost hug club. I chose the name because my bff always sends me ghost hugs via text and it makes me feel loved.

I want you to feel loved too when you're a part of ghost hug club. My dream is to build more than just a brand. I want this to be a community for everyone, I want you to find friends here, a home, a place where you can fulfill your potential. So stay tuned, because wonderful things will follow here.

your turn: speaking up

I want you to know that your mental wellness matters and that you matter. Join our community on instagram and I'll keep you posted on all the good things that are about to come!


Say hi!